Forza Pizza in NIAF

The National Italian American Foundation exists to "serve as a resource for the Italian American Community; to preserve the Italian American heritage and culture; to promote and inspire a positive image and legacy of Italian Americans; and to strengthen and empower ties between the United States and Italy". Some pretty awesome goals by a pretty prestigious national organization, so it was a tremendous honor to be featured in their latest issue of their Ambassador Magazine.

If you want a glimpse into the origins, highlights, and mission of Forza Pizza the folks at NIAF did a tremendous job summarizing it for us. Special thank you to Natalie and Don for doing such great work.

The NIAF is somewhat of a private club and their content is only shared with their membership online and in this quarterly magazine. So please excuse the lack of a link and please enjoy reading the article as a somewhat bootlegged image below! Hope you like it and please hit me up with any questions or comments!

Alberto DeCicco

Specializing in all things pizza.

An Ode to Stuffed Pizza


Pizza Romana Panino